We’ve lived in Canberra for a couple of years now but our knowledge of the local grape is shamefully lacking. Having visited
one or two wineries in a very haphazard way, and with little to guide us other than the
King James Wine Bible, we've decided to embark on our own leisurely winery discovery tour.
I should make it clear right upfront, we are not wine
obsessives experts. We have no formal training in the art of sniffing, swilling and spitting but we know our preferences (and significant blindspots) reasonably well and also what wines compliment the modest fare that finds it way from our kitchen to the dining room table.
Over the next few months we’ll try to visit all the wineries that are open to the public around the Canberra region and share any worthwhile information in a very rough guide to Canberra wineries A2Z.
Canberra wines,
Canberra wineries.
pick up a copy of the Canberra Region wineries guide form the Canberra region Visitors Centre on Northbourne Ave. Will be a good checklist as you go around. You can also download at the districts website www.canberrawines.com.au. Looking forward to hearing the results!
Thanks Todd. We've picked up the tourist info wine map and we're ready to go.
If you're interested in trying a few local wines, there's a food and wine bunfight at the press club this Friday (10 July): http://www.npc.org.au/conferencesEventsWeddings/specialEvent/winefood09.html
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