And what better way to mark the occasion than a bank commercial from the 1980s?
State of Origin,
We live in Canberra, somebody has to...
State of Origin,
The Chaser’s War on Everything,
Tracey Ullman's State of the Union,
The Simpsons shorts.
Canberra Tourism and Events Corporation,
Canberra slogan.
Does it bother Gibson and Duthie when popular shows such as Kath & Kim – shows that have been carefully nurtured by the ABC – sell out to the commercial networks? Or scare them when rumours fly, as they did last year, about The Chaser meeting Seven Network brass? “We were probably ready to let Kath & Kim go,” Gibson concedes. “I would be very sorry to lose The Chaser, as it would almost certainly mean they would have to make creative compromises to fit in with the rules of a commercial network.”
The Chaser's War on Everything,
Make a Realistic Wish Foundation
Amanda Duthie,
Courtney Gibson,
Kim Dalton.
And they don’t. Radicals and liberals and such want all jokes to have a “meaning,” to “make a point”. But laughter is involuntary and points are not. A conservative may tell you that you shouldn’t make fun of something. “You shouldn’t make fun of cripples,” he may say. And he may be right. But a liberal will tell you, “You can’t make fun of cripples.” And he’s wrong - as anybody who’s heard the one about Helen Keller falling into a well and breaking three fingers calling for help can tell you.”
The Chaser's War on Everything,
Make a Realistic Wish Foundation,
PJ O’Rourke.
“Many New Class people are products of the post-war baby boom and have been over-educated to a new level of discontent... they have taken most of the jobs and set up most of the committees to inquire into everything. Their language has come to dominate the media... they have formed mafias, coined words, opened gulfs and influenced morals.”
“Their children - if they have any - are called Tarquin and Beancurd.”
Alex Buzo,
Wendy Were,
first names.